It’s getting HOT in here!

By Cash Baker

We are in the midst of the warmest, most humid days the island has seen to date! While many are turning on the fans and air conditioners, many fail to realize that dogs are also dealing with the scorching heat, all while wearing a permanent fur coat. Both you and your dog can keep cool this summer with these simple, easy tips!

Avoid leaving dogs in unattended vehicles

Staying cool is always a priority for our furry-friends! According to the ASPCA, a car can heat up to 114 degree in 80 degree weather in less than half an hour! Unfortunately, too many dogs suffer from heat stroke and even death due to being left in an overheated car.  It is much safer to leave your pal at home, with a friend, or at doggy day care, especially if you anticipate leaving them unattended.  If you come across a situation like this, please get help immediately! You could save a life.

Limit activity on hot days

As much as our pets love to take walks, be aware of extra hot, humid days.  It is great to exercise your dog, but engaging in a lower intensity activity may be just what they need to keep safe.  Consider exercising your furry friend during cool hours of the day, such as early mornings or evenings.  This will help alleviate the possibility of burning your pet’s paws from the hot pavement or asphalt.  Instead, take a walk or run on grass, which is a cooler alternative. Your pup will thank you!

Heatstroke: Is your dog at risk?

If the harsh summer heat gets the best of your dog, they can suffer from heatstroke. Some symptoms of heatstroke include heavy panting, heavy salivation, vomiting, dizziness, darkened tongue, lethargy, and rapid heartbeat. Dogs are most at risk of falling victim to heatstroke when they are very old or very young, unaccustomed to intense exercise, are overweight, or suffer from respiratory problems. If your dog suffers from a heatstroke, immediately place your dog in a cool, air conditioned or shaded area. Gently applying a cold towel or ice packs on your dog can help bring temperatures down, along with drinking small amounts of water. If you believe your dog has suffered a heatstroke, you should take them to a local veterinarian as soon as possible. Heatstroke can be avoided altogether by ensuring your pet is placed in a cool, shady area, making sure they are properly hydrated, and limiting their activity so that they are not overworked.

For more information on how to keep your dog safe in the heat, visit the ASPCA website at